Public Offer Agreement

Borysfen-Trade LLC respects the confidentiality and personal data of our users. We respect the user's right to confidentiality and privacy.

For this purpose we comply with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine No. 2297-VI of 01.06.2010 and all regulations concerning the right to privacyand confidentiality. To ensure your privacy and confidentiality, we have also developed a privacy policy, a personal data statement and rules for the use of cookies.

Before using the Site, we encourage you to read the Privacy Policy, the Personal Data Statement and the Cookie Policy by clicking on the appropriate link.

In order to exercise your right to privacy and confidentiality, we offer you to accept our terms and conditions as set out in the Privacy Policy, the Personal Data Statement and the Cookie Policy in order to facilitate your use of the Website and to exercise your rights and obligations regarding the collection, processing and storage of personal data.

By continuing to use the Site, you consent to the collection, processing and storage of your personal data as disclosed to us.

If you don’t accept our Privacy Policy, Personal Data Statement and Cookie Policy or don’t wish to disclose and provide your personal information directly or indirectly, please leave our website.

Continued use of the site indicates full and unconditional acceptance of the Privacy Policy, Personal Data Statement and Cookie Policy.

Borysfen-Trade LLC